Hymne Monégasque

Hymne Monégasque
English: Monégasque Anthem

National anthem of

Lyrics Louis Notari, 1931
Music Charles Albrecht, 1896
Adopted 1848
Music sample
Hymne Monégasque (instrumental)

"Hymne Monégasque" (in English: Monégasque Anthem) is Monaco's national anthem.

Théophile Bellando de Castro wrote the lyrics and composed the music of the 1st edition of Hymne Monégasque in 1841, later Castil-Blaze modified the melody and made several other minor changes. In 1848 the National Guard, created by Prince Charles III, adopted Bellando's song and it became the March of the National Loyalists. In 1896 Charles Albrecht composed a new arrangement for piano, published by Tihebaux in Paris and called Air National de Monaco; in 1897 Decourcelle of Nice, printed an edition called 429 Hymne National de Monaco for piano.

Years later, François Bellini orchestrated the song by Albrecht; this new arrangement for a trio was judged to be too long for people in 1900 and ceased being played. The modern version was created by Léon Jehin in 1914 and was played for the first time during the 25th anniversary of the beginning Prince Albert's reign. Finally in 1931 Louis Notari wrote the lyrics in the Monegasque language. Only the Monegasque lyrics are official, reportedly dating back to a request from the Prince. The official lyrics contain only one verse. (The anthem is not usually even sung at all, except for official occasions.)


Current lyrics

Monegasque lyrics French translation English translation

A Marcia de Muneghu / Inu Nactionale

Despoei tugiù, sciü d'u nostru paise
Se ride aù ventu, u meme pavayun
Despoei tugiù a curù russa e gianca
E stà r'emblèma d'a nostra libertà
Grandi e piciui, r'an tugiù respeta.
Amu ch'üna tradiçiun,
Amu ch'üna religiun,
Amu avüu per u nostru unù
I meme Principi tugiù
E ren nun ne scangera
Tantu ch'u suriyu lüjerà;
Diu sempre n'agiüterà
E ren nun ne scangera

Hymne Monégasque

Depuis toujours, sur notre pays,
Le même drapeau est déployé au vent,
Depuis toujours les couleurs rouge et blanche
Sont le symbole de notre liberté
Grands et petits les ont toujours respectées.

National anthem

Forever, in our land,
One flag has flown in the wind
Forever, the colours red and white
Have symbolised our liberty
Great and small [people] have always respected them.

Full lyrics

Monegasque lyrics French translation English translation

Despoei tugiù sciü d'u nostru paise
Se ride au ventu, u meme pavayùn
Despoei tugiù a curù russa e gianca
E stà l'emblema, d'a nostra libertà

Grandi e i piciui, l'an sempre respetà
Oila cü ne toca!
Oila cü ne garda!
Fo che cadün sace ben aiço d'aiçi:

Amu avü sempre r'a meme tradiçiùn

 Amu avü sempre r'a meme religiùn
Amu avüu per u nostru unù
I meme Prìncipi tugiù

 E düsciün nun pura ne fa scangia
Tantu ch'au celu, u suriyu lüjerà;
Diu n'agiüterà
E mai düsciün nun pura ne
fa scangia


Nun sëmu pa gaire,
Ma defendëmu tüti a nostra tradiçiun;
Nun sëmu pa forti,
Ma se Diu voe n'agiütera!

Oila cü ne toca!
Oila cü ne garda!
Fo che cadün sace ben ailo d'aili:


Depuis toujours, le même pavillon
Flotte joyeusement au vent de notre pays
Depuis toujours les couleurs rouge et blanche
Constituent le symbole de notre liberté

Grands et petits l'ont toujours respecté!
Ohé, vous qui nous voisinez!
Ohé, vous qui nous regardez!

Il importe que chacun retienne bien ceci:


Nous avons perpétué les mêmes traditions;

Nous célébrons la même religion;
Nous avons l'honneur

D'avoir toujours eu les mêmes Princes

Et personne ne pourra nous faire changer

tant que le soleil brillera dans le ciel
Dieu nous aidera

Et jamais personne ne pourra

nous faire changer


Nous ne sommes pas bien nombreux,

Mais nous veillons tous à la défense de notre identité;

Nous ne sommes pas très puissants,

Mais, s'il le veut, Dieu nous aidera!

Ohé, vous qui nous voisinez!
Ohé, vous qui nous regardez!

Il importe que chacun prenne bien conscience de cela! 


Historically, the same flag
Floats happily in the wind of our country
Traditionally red and white
Are the symbol of our freedom

Large and small have always respected!
Greetings, you who are neighbors!
Greetings, you who are watching us!
It is important that everyone remember the following:

We have perpetuated the same traditions;
We celebrate the same religion;
We honor
To have always had the same Princes
And no one can make us change
As the sun shines in the sky
God help us
And no one can ever
make us change
No one.

We are not very numerous,
But we all strive to defend our identity;
We are not very powerful,
But if he wants, God help us!

Greetings, you who are neighbors!
Greetings, you who are watching us!
It should make everyone well aware of that!


Original lyrics

French lyrics English translation

Principauté Monaco ma patrie,

Oh! Combien Dieu est prodigue pour toi.
Ciel toujours pur, rives toujours fleuries,
Ton Souverain est plus aimé qu'un Roi.

Fiers Compagnon de la Garde Civique,
Respectons tous la voix du Commandant.
Suivons toujours notre bannière antique.
Le tambour bat, marchons tous en Avant.

Oui, Monaco connut toujours des braves,

Nous sommes tous leurs dignes descendants.

En aucun temps nous ne fûmes esclaves.
Et loin de nous, régnèrent les tyrans.

Que le nom d'un Prince plein de clémence,

Soit répété par mille et mille chants.
Nous mourons tous pour sa propre défense,
Mais après nous, combattrons nos enfants.

Monaco Principality my country
Oh! How God is lavish with you.

Sky is always pure, always flowered shores,
Tone is more like a sovereign king.

Proud Companion of the Civic Guard,
All respect the voice of the Commander.
Still follow our old banner.
The drum beats, all walk in before.

Yes, Monaco always had good,
We are all their worthy descendants.
In no time we were slaves.
And far from us ruled the tyrants.

That the name of a merciful Prince
 repeated by a thousand songs.
We shall die in his own defense,
But after we fight our children.

See also

External links